Based on the DeFi blockchain game product application ecological public chain-Super String Quantum State-(SQS)

Superstring quantum application of blockchain technology has achieved a revolutionary breakthrough

Introduction to Superstring Quantum State

Superstring Quantum State (Superstring Quantum State) is a decentralized game public chain developed by the Green Planet Blockchain Technology Application Laboratory for world environmental protection concept games. The world’s first “Superstring Quantum State” blockchain technology application game block deployment mechanism is created by the Green Planet Blockchain Lab.

The physical theory guidelines put forward by Planck, one of the founders of Mechanics, were the first to be implemented on the basis of the HTTPS protocol and the IPFS protocol at the same time. Max Planck (April 23, 1858-October 4, 1947), born in Holstein, Germany, is a famous German physicist and an important founder of quantum mechanics.

Superstring Quantum State (Superstring Quantum State) is based on the world’s first superstring quantum state technology created by Green Planet Lab for global blockchain game applications. It serves global blockchain game development teams and players’ applications and public The chain aims to allow all blockchain game developers and enthusiasts and participants to jointly create the value of game miners on this public chain.

Superstring theory believes that strings vibrate in different ways to obtain different particles. Electrons, quarks, and photons can all continue to be subdivided into “strings.” However, the scale of the string is the Planck length, which is far from reaching this scale with existing science and technology. Superstring theory is currently still a philosophical category, not a scientific theory. A revolutionary breakthrough has been made in the application of blockchain technology!

